EA Approved CDR Sample for Electrical Engineering Draftsperson

CDR Sample for Electrical Engineering Draftsperson

As Australia’s economy is expanding at an exponential rate due to the spectacular economic boom in the oil and gas and mining sectors, there is a greater demand for Chemical Engineers with relevant international experience. The Australian Government has opened skilled migration visas for Chemical Engineers in order to eliminate critical shortages of chemical engineering and overcome project delays. A bachelor’s degree or higher is required for entry into this occupation, as well as relevant experience in some cases. The CDR sample for Chemical Engineers includes all of the required reports, including a Curriculum Vitae (CV), Continuing Professional Development (CPD), three Career Episodes (CE), and a Summary Statement. The following is the content of the CDR Report Samples:

1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Prepare your Curriculum Vitae (CV) on the basis of a professional template.

2. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant

3. Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 1

Project Name: “Fire Detection and Alarm System”

4. Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 2

Project Name: “CCTV installation”

5. Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 3

Project Name: “Design of Access Control System”

6. Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Summary Statement Sample:

Detailed explanation of all the competency elements.

Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 1

Project Name: “Fire Detection and Alarm System”

The author explains a project he worked on as an Electrical Engineer Draft Person in the first professional episode. This episode of his career is based on his project, “Fire Detection and Alarm System.” The author’s responsibilities at the time were as follows:

  • Risk assessment was conducted in the chosen area to identify the necessity for a fire detection and alarm system.
  • To improve system functionality, select programming and electronic devices are used.
  • Project plan, system flow chart, component requirements, and design considerations have all been developed.
  • Prior to installation, the device’s relationship to the surrounding region was considered.
  • Calculations were performed in order to design relay circuits and the necessary power supplies.

Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 2

Project Name: “CCTV installation”

The author outlines the engineering abilities he utilized as an Electrical Engineer Draft Person in the second career episode. During this period, his roles and duties in the project “CCTV installation” were as follows:

  • I worked with the customer to get the information I needed on the facility.
  • I attended several meetings with the client, project manager, senior engineers, and other members of the team.
  • Prepared the drawings for the CCTV installation and got the manager’s approval.
  • Designed the diagrams for the building’s CCTV circuit installation.
  • Participated in the documentation of the drawings, the initial survey of the building, and the equipment list.

Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 3

Project Name: “Design of Access Control System”
The author outlines the engineering abilities he utilized as an Electrical Engineer Draft Person in the third career episode. His tasks and duties in the project “Design of Access Control System” during this period were as follows:

  • Regularly attended project meetings with the team.
  • Using AutoCAD, I created the project drawing.
  • I coordinated with a number of persons who were involved in the project.
  • Involved in the installation of the new system as a coordinator
  • Supporting calculations were completed.

Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Summary Statement

In a summary statement, the author presents all the competency elements required for Electrical Engineering Draftsperson. As explained in the Engineers Australia migration skills assessment booklet, the cross-references in the summary statement must be relevant to the paragraph of the career episodes.

Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Continuing Professional Development

The CPD includes professional courses, non-professional courses and private study. CPD Sample clearly explains the author’s Electrical Engineering Draftsperson knowledge.

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