Engineering Technologists

Professional CDR Sample for Engineering Technologists

Explore a high-quality CDR sample for Engineering Technologists, designed to help you meet Engineers Australia’s requirements and effectively showcase your skills for migration success.

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    EA Approved CDR Sample for Engineering Technologists


    Engineers with a Bachelor’s education or above can assess their respective engineering expertise. Engineering technologists are engineers who have received advanced training in a distinct section of technology development and execution. It is a fundamental topic in engineering. Several reputable technological businesses in Australia are in desperate need of engineering technologists. They’re recruiting Engineering Technologists from Australia and other places with technical expertise and skills.

    All essential files, such as a Curriculum Vitae, Continuing Professional Development,Career Episodes(CE), and a Summary Statement are presented in the CDR samples for engineering technologists. The components of the CDR report samples continue to follow:

    Curriculum Vitae (CV)

    Prepare your Curriculum Vitae (CV) on the basis of a professional template.

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

    The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant

    Engineering Technologists Career Episode Sample 1

    Project Name: “Design of The Farm Management System Using Drones”

    Engineering Technologists Career Episode Sample 2

    Project Name: “End to End Learning for Self-driving Plane in GTA V”

    Engineering Technologists Career Episode Sample 3

    Project Name: “A User Tilts Driven Car”

    Engineering Technologists Summary Statement Sample:

    A detailed explanation of all the competency elements.

    Engineering Technologists Career Episode Sample 1

    Project Name: “Design of The Farm Management System Using Drones”

    The author explains a project he worked on while finishing his graduate studies in the first career episode. This phase of his career is centered on his project, “Design of a Farm Management System Using Drones.” The author’s responsibilities at the time were as follows:

    Designed an architecture diagram for the automated farm management system, also a list of all the subsystems that are engaged.
    The status monitor drone module was constructed by me.
    The assistance drone subsystem was implemented, and all of the related functions were specified
    Incorporated water spraying as a part of the design of the field system subsystem.
    Prepared and integrated all of the main train’s elements into the drone’s status surveillance system.

    Engineering Technologists Career Episode Sample 2

    Project Name: “End to End Learning for Self-driving Plane in GTA V”

    The author displays the engineering experience and skills he gained while achieving his graduate degrees in the second career episode. His tasks and duties in the project “End to End Learning for Self-Driving Plane in GTA V” during this time were as follows:

    Analyze the research paper and come up with a list of project goals
    Developed the project’s timeline and made necessary changes
    Prepared and adhered to the meeting schedule throughout the project
    Make a self-driving aircraft a reality
    Constructed complete dataset’s information allocation graph

    Engineering Technologists Career Episode Sample 3

    Project Name: “A User Tilts Driven Car”

    The author outlines the engineering abilities he used while completing his graduate degrees in the third career episode. During this period, his roles and duties in the project “A User Tilts Driven Car” were as follows:

    Gathered the required literature review
    Hardware was chosen based on requirements.
    Designed the car’s entire hardware as well as the remote control system
    Worked on the car’s and remote system’s software structure.
    The operational instructions have been specified

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    Engineering Technologists Summary Statement

    The author summarizes all of the aptitude requirements necessary for an Engineering Technologist in a summary statement. The summary statement’s cross-references must apply to the section of the career episodes, as stated in the migration skills assessment pamphlet given by Engineers Australia(EA).

    Engineering Technologists Continuing Professional Development

    The CPD contains professional courses, non-professional courses, and personal research. The writer’s experience and abilities in the relevant Engineering Technologist are accurately stated in the CPD sample.